I managed to insane-high-roll into this monster in Uma Musume Pretty Derby last night and sure enough, today’s results were spectacular (16 wins out of 20 races). If you still have sanity/patience left before the finals, try to use this as a template. The finals is one-and-done so still pretty luck-dependent but I think I have a decent shot at first place with this Golshi. No regrets even if I lose.
Other than Lv50 Pegasus (nice to have but not mandatory to this build), the support deck isn’t hard to approximate for anyone who’s been playing for a few months and went in on a few support card banners. I’d say the only card in this deck that’s irreplaceable is Creek. Taishin is arguable because sometimes you can get 追い上げ from winning a race in training or of course from inheritance.
If you have or have access to Lv50 Kitasan without sacrificing Lv45+ Creek, you should substitute it for any of the non-Taishin speed cards. Freebie McQueen is nice for lucking into クールダウン but honestly not mandatory, could sub in Manhattan Cafe and fish for スタミナイーター instead.
Inheritance: try to get 18 stars in power if you can swing it. Get as much power as you can. Your other priorities are red traits in long-distance (mandatory) and turf, and skill traits in 直線一気. URA traits are of course very nice to get but have lower priority than the red traits.
Just be aware that it took me maybe… around 30 Gold Ship runs in total (I started prepping about two weeks ago) to get something this good. I did have another build I was using until yesterday and it was doing alright but nowhere near as consistent as this one. This build is NOT NORMAL for this game unless you’re a whale. I got very very lucky, so just ration your sanity (and stamina items) before you go ham with training runs.
Key points to the build:
This Gold Ship basically packs in everything I said was important in my other post about Gemini prep. First, it has the fabled S-rating in the distance which meant I only have to hit just over 1100 in base speed to break the 1200 barrier during the last spurt. From what I’ve seen during Gemini (and Taurus), I really believe this is almost mandatory. You can have all the stamina in the world but if you simply can’t reach the top speed that other racers can, you’re not going to win most of the time. Get your speed into the 1100s and tack an S-rating on it.
It has two gold stamina skills that activate almost every race without over-healing or healing too late (Maestro and 下校のスペシャリスト). I also tacked onto two other gold stamina skills and one white just because I had skill points to spare, but honestly, they are kind of overkill. 鋼の意志 has inconsistent activation and a bit too early whereas クールダウン can be either too early OR too late. So don’t be thinking you HAVE to load your Golshi with 4 gold stamina skills, you really don’t.
To me clearly, the weakest part of this build is the Power. It should be ideally much much higher but I think it’s basically impossible for me with my collection of support cards. I did try to boost it as much as possible with 良バ場 (I believe double circle adds 60 points to the stat but correct me if someone knows better).
Guts and Intelligence both to the ~400 thresholds. Not much to say here. I know there are some funky builds out there that’s got super high guts or super high intelligence and somehow dominating but I think those ones must have high speed and sufficient stamina as a prerequisite (and they’re usually not Golshi). Basically impossible to attempt if you’re a non-whale.
Skills: This is where I really count my lucky stars for this run because not only did I hit the 直線一気 jackpot, I also managed to step on quite a few decent hints that gave me lots of skill point discounts. I only ran 15 races during this training run but still managed to buy 4 gold skills and a bunch of white/green ones. Other than the two gold stamina ones I already mentioned, the absolute key here are the end-race skills 直線一気, 追い上げ, and Rudolf unique. These three I believe are basically must-haves for all chasers in Gemini. They all activate consistently and the three of them together is a great mix of speed and acceleration to get you ahead of the pack and help you stay there. I’ve had more than a few races where this Golshi won by like 9 or 10 lengths and even one race by 大差, which is pretty crazy considering we’re in round 2.
TLDR boils down to: near-max speed, S-rating in long-distance, at least two gold stamina skills that activate every race without overhealing or underhealing, good mix of end-race skills.
Author: mattwuri
Source: template build (mega-lucked into near-perfect Gold Ship)